cap revistes
Servei de Biblioteques


Servei de Biblioteques
Of all the journals in this website, the number included in this resource is: 30
Descripció, indicadors i més 

List ordered alphabetically.

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document 1611: revista de historia de la traducción

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Anuari de filologia. Llengües i literatures modernes

Spain Open Access Babel A.F.I.A.L.

Spain Ciervo

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la comunicación

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Communication & society

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Cultura, lenguaje y representación

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Estudios de traducción

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document FITISPos International Journal

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Hermeneus: revista de traducción e interpretación

Spain Open Access Hikma: estudios de traducción

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Ibérica: Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos ( AELFE )

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Lengua y migración

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document MonTI: monografías de traducción e interpretación = monografies de traducció i d'interpretació = monographs in translation and interpreting = monographies de traduction et d'interprétation = monographien zür translation

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Panace@: boletín de medicina y traducción

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Porta linguarum: an international and interuniversity journal of foreign language didactics

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Quaderns: revista de traducció

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Redit: revista electrónica de didáctica de la traducción y la interpretación

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Revista electrónica de lingüística aplicada

Spain The editor allows to archive some version of the document Revista española de lingüística aplicada = Spanish journal of applied linguistics

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Revista internacional de lenguas extranjeras = International journal of foreign languages

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Revista tradumàtica: tecnologies de la traducció

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Sendebar: revista de traducción e interpretación

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Skopos: revista internacional de traducción e interpretación

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Terminàlia

Spain Open Access Tonos digital: revista de estudios filológicos

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Trans: revista de traductología

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document Transfer: revista electrónica sobre traducción e interculturalidad

Spain Open Access The editor allows to archive some version of the document VIAL: Vigo international journal of applied linguistics


Servei de Biblioteques

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