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From: 2020-

Peer Review Peer Review

Access type: Diamante Diamond
Article Processing Charges: DESCONEGUT  APCs: ?
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Bridge: Trends and Traditions in Translation and Interpreting Studies

ISSN-e: 2729-8183 | Slovakia  Slovakia

Publisher: Department of Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Languages: English, German, Slovak

Normes per als autors  author guidelines
Accés text complet  full text  
Copyright and self-archiving policies not available COPYRIGHT & self-archiving policies not available
  translation, interpreting, accessibilty, literature, culture
The journal seeks original, previously unpublished papers in translation and interpreting studies that bring together scholarship from diverse regions, traditions and contexts. Bridge encourages authors to challenge the boundaries between theory and practice and old and new approaches in research and training as well as to critically address regional and global social, political and economic issues from a translational point of view

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2013-2021 AUTonomous university of BARCELONA