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From: 2011-

Peer Review Peer Review

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Access type: Diamante Diamond
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Between: rivista dell'Associazione di Teoria e Storia Comparata della Letteratura

ISSN-e: 2039-6597 | Itàlia  Itàlia

Publisher: Italian Association for the Theory and Comparative History of Literature
Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish

Normes per als autors  author guidelines
Accés text complet  full text  
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Translation & Interpreting Studies and East Asian Studies
This journal aims to provide an up-to-date observatory, a meeting place at which the methods and research that Italian comparative studies stimulate and participate in, can be brought to fruition.It covers the following subjects: comparative literature; theory of literature; cultural studies; postcolonial studies; geocriticism; narratology; translation and adaptation studies; thematic criticism; genre criticism; literature and visual arts; literature and new media; literature and music; although other topics will be considered.

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 MIAR: 3.9
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2013-2021 AUTonomous university of BARCELONA