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From: 1971-

Peer Review Peer Review

Access type: subscription Subscription
Article Processing Charges: DESCONEGUT  APCs: ?
Article Processing Charges

Modern language studies

ISSN: 0047-7729 | ISSN-e: 2325-9019 | United States  United States

Publisher: Northeast Modern Language Association
Languages: English

Continues: NEMLA newsletter (ISSN 0550-7073)
Normes per als autors  author guidelines
Copyright and self-archiving policies COPYRIGHT & self-archiving policies
This is a journal representing the wide-ranging critical and creative interests of NeMLA members. We publish scholarship, interviews, fiction and poetry, reviews, and commentary on the professions of teaching, research, and writing.

Where to find it
Catàleg UAB
Catàleg Col·lectiu de les Universitats de Catalunya (CCUC)
 Linguistics and language behavior abstracts (LLBA)
 MIAR: 6.5
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