Dancing was one of the favourite leisure activities in the 19th century society in Barcelona.
Since the first seasons the theater organized masquerade balls, almost always associated with the period of Carnival. The balls organized in the Liceu became the reference for all other soirées and balls that took place in Barcelona, influencing the fashion of all social classes in the city, being the gateway to new fashionable dances, and even the entrance for new instruments like the saxophone.
This collection includes the accurate documentation generated each year: hiring orchestras, the participation of foreign theater companies, the decoration of the room or the specifications for the celebration of balls, among others.
Documents comptables i justificatius respectius als vuit balls celebrats durant el Carnaval de 1857, del 5 de gener al 24 de febrer, signats pel Director del Gran Teatre del Liceu, el Sr. Domingo de Acilu