Since its beginnings, the management of the theatre was entrusted to a businessman, or to a company owned by different individuals. According to the contract between each businessman and the Societat, a report on the management or an account statement had to be submitted.
This collection includes documents related to the different businessmen and to the seasons, whether they are brochures, advertisements, contracts or other administrative documents.
Documentació relativa a repertori dels anys 1943 i 1944. En aquests documents tenim la convocatòria d'una assaig per a Turandot ; el regal d'uns decorats realitzats per Mestres Cabanes sobre l'òpera Manon, l'agraïment de la Junta sobre els decorats ; i aspectes tècnics del poema representat de Cristóbal Colón, així com també un full de propaganda