Since its beginnings, the management of the theatre was entrusted to a businessman, or to a company owned by different individuals. According to the contract between each businessman and the Societat, a report on the management or an account statement had to be submitted.
This collection includes documents related to the different businessmen and to the seasons, whether they are brochures, advertisements, contracts or other administrative documents.
Reproducció digital. Bellaterra : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Servei de Biblioteques, 2013. Reproducció de l'original propietat de la Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu.
Dictàmens emesos pels arquitectes senyors Guillem Busquets Vautravers i Antoni Pons Domínguez i per l'advocat senyor Josep Mª Pallès Alier en l'afer de la projectada adquisició per la Societat de Propietaris del Gran Teatre del Liceu de les cases núms. 2 i 4 de la Rambla del Centre