| Carte des Continents . - 1: 5 000 000 . - Paris : Institut Geographique National < 1.550/006 v > |
| Mapa de la Conca Mediterrània : Principals infrastructures de transport : Regions europees riberenques de la Mediterrània / Realitzat per l'Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya . - 1: 3 500 000 . - Barcelona : Institut Català pel Desenvolupament del Transport, 1987 < 1.535/002 c > |
| Western Europe . - 1: 3 000 000 . - Edinburgh : Bartholomew, 1979 . - (Bartholomew World Travel Series) < 1.530/001 v > |
| Western Europe . - 1: 3 000 000 . - Edinburgh : Bartholomew, 1989 . - (Bartholomew World Travel Series) < 1.530/005 v > |
| Eastern Europe . - 1: 2 500 000 . - Edinburgh : Bartholomew, 1979 . - (Bartholomew World Travel Series) < 1.525/003 v > |
| World Map = Karta Mira . - 1: 2 500 000 . - s.l. : [editors diversos] < 1.525/006 v > |
| Eastern Europe . - 1: 2 500 000 . - Edinburgh : Bartholomew, 1988 . - (Bartholomew World Travel Series) < 1.525/008 v > |
| Bassin Méditerranéen = Cuenca Mediterránea = Mediterranean Basin . - 1: 2 500 000 . - Paris : Institut Geographique National < 1.525/011 c > |
| Europe . - 1: 2 500 000 . - 2a ed . - Londres : Directorate Military Survey < 1.525/012 v > |
| World Map = Karta Mira . - 1: 2 500 000 . - 2a ed. . - Berlín: Administration of Geodesy and Cartography, 1988 < 1.525/015 v > |