

Ask to the Libraries of UAB

Information services of UAB Libraries

UAB Libraries offer different information services to help you to solve any doubt about the terms of use of our libraries services, but also you can ask for expert support in searches for your studies and researches. You can use the following form to send us your questions and suggestions. If you prefer, you can use mobile devices and Whatsapp.

In case that you provide your personal data, the treatment that may be derived is subject to the provisions of the corresponding regulations on the protection of personal data (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of Parliament and the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data). On the website of the UAB Libraries you can find different forms with which there can be collected personal information. In all these forms, the respective information clauses comply with the provisions of the data protection regulations, where the consent of the affected person is requested to treat or transfer their personal data. For more information, consult the following link.
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Opening hours

From Monday to Friday from 10am o 7pm.

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Intellectual property and open access

For questions about author rights, intellectual property, copyright, open access, etc., you can use the service Propietat Intel·lectual i Accés Obert

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For suggestions, congratulatios or complaints, go to OPINA UAB, the open channel to contribute in UAB development

Ask us: we know everything!