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Journal for translation studies in Africa

ISSN-e: 2710-4036 | -  -

Editor: University of the Free State, South Africa
Idiomes: anglès, àrab, francès, portuguès

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Política editorial de la revista. Drets d’autor i autoarxiu
The journal promotes the scholarly study of translational phenomena in the widest sense of the word, including intralingual, interlingual and intersemiotic translation, and values interpreting and translation equally. It welcomes interdisciplinary research, including but not limited to interpreting studies, multimodality and multimedia studies, development studies, media studies, cultural studies, political science, sociology and history. Contributions can be theoretical, empirical or applied. The journal is looking for cutting-edge research while keeping open a section for developing scholars, namely the ‘Future voices’ section. The Review Section focuses on introducing books with a focus or relevance to the journal’s African agenda. An ‘Agenda’ section will focus on opinion pieces concerning aspects of translation studies as it pertains to the African content.

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